Editorial Consultations

For three and a half years, I worked as an editor at the Whiting Award-winning digital magazine, Electric Literature, where I selected and edited original fiction. The first story I acquired and edited, “It Is What It Is” by Azareen Van der Vliet Oloomi, was selected by Min Jin Lee for the 2022 Best American Short Stories Anthology. I’m also an experienced teacher–for years I taught college-level creative writing and composition in the Philadelphia area.

For $450, I offer one-off manuscript consultations for standalone pieces that are 5,000 words or less. The consultation includes:

-detailed line edits
-an editorial letter giving a holistic look at your piece
-a 30-minute video or phone call where we go over notes and discuss possible next steps, including submission guidance

For longer work, I offer customized mentorships based on the author’s availability and needs.

If you’re interested in working together, please fill out the attached form, and I’ll get back to you to schedule a 10-minute phone call to see if we vibe.